- +49 7176 / 45290-0
- info@evo-solutions.com
- Ludwig-Bölkow-Straße 15
Digitize tool data
machine-readable tool data
Use tool measurement data digitally many times
Typing errors and transposed digits when reading and entering tool data on the machine control can cause expensive machine crashes. If you are wondering how you can prevent this and how you can also use your tool measurement data digitally, we have a patented solution for you.
Transfer tool data digitally
Use tool measurement data reliably
With our patented process, you can digitally transfer the measured values of tools determined by the tool presetter to any machine tool. The tool is identified using a barcode generated by EVOjetstream, which is attached to the tool holder with a data carrier clip.
There can no longer be any typing errors or transposed digits when reading and entering tool data on the machine control. An expensive machine crash due to incorrectly entered tool data can thus be guaranteed to be ruled out.
If tools that have been measured once are used one after the other in different machine tools, no tool measurement step is required between use on different machines, since the tool measurement data can be transferred to any machine as often as you like.